
Podcast Coaching Free Resources

818 - The Dangers of Pursuing Your Potential

Season #1

There was a period where I was unsatisfied with "just" helping guys quit porn. It felt like something was missing.

I finally realized that we weren't "just" doing anything...we were helping men reach their potential. Because when they were no longer slaves to pornography, their lives started flourishing in amazing ways.

In this episode, I want to talk to you about the danger of pursuing your potential, and then outline two specific things that will help you pursue your potential healthily, without cratering OR settling.

In this episode, we discuss:

1:31 The work we do is really about helping guys reach their potential

5:12 Is what you're doing now a reflection of what you envisioned in high school?

7:46 Potential is a moving goal post

9:15 How to pursue your potential without cratering or settling

FREE "QUIT-PORN" CASE STUDY VIDEO: Learn the system that has helped HUNDREDS of men around the world realize their potential, restore their relationships, and reconnect with God.

Resources Mentioned:

The Last Relapse (Free Book)

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