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725 - Adam Lane Smith on How To Ditch Microcheating, Healing From Attachment Issues Biologically, and Keys To Longevity In Relationships

Season #1

Adam Lane Smith, licensed psychotherapist and Attachment Specialist, transforms relationships from blue-collar families to CEOs. With his Attachment Bootcamp and personalized coaching, he guides clients on a transformative journey to authentic connections and fulfilling relationships.

In this episode Adam and Sathiya discuss:
[01:02] Attachment through a neurobiological lens
[07:57] The impact of dopamine and addiction
[09:42] Oxytocin addiction and its social component
[12:17] The importance of security and psychological safety
[14:57] Challenges in modeling healthy relationships
[16:46] The Smell of Family
[17:41] Anxious Attachment
[18:28] Rising Loneliness
[19:27] Men's Loneliness
[20:18] Impact of Upbringing
[21:51] Vasopressin Bonding
[23:09] Teaching and Bonding
[24:00] Male Solution Network
[26:22] Balancing Bonding
[27:15] Renewing Bonds
[30:33] Addressing Affairs
[32:55] Fighting Dopamine Dependency
[33:21] The porn issue
[34:12] Effects of porn addiction
[35:05] Erectile dysfunction and porn addiction
[36:45] Building healthy relationships
[38:17] Vasopressin and oxytocin in relationships
[40:39] Micro cheating and its impact
[44:45] Roots of attachment theory interest
[48:44] Instilling secure attachment in children

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